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High blood pressure can be managed by following these steps: maintain a healthy weight, stay physically active, follow a healthy food plan with foods lower in salt, drink in moderation and take high blood pressure medication if it has been prescribed to you.  Controlling hypertension can cause a 30-45% reduction in stroke, a 20-25% reduction in heart attack and a more than 50% reduction in heart failure.


Answered by Dr. Andrene Chung: Consultant Cardiologist/Chief Operating Officer


High blood pressure or hypertension, is sometimes called the “silent killer” because most persons with high blood pressure don’t have any symptoms. Many people feel fine and as a result, don’t think they need to get their blood pressure checked. However, even if you feel normal, your health may be at risk.. All adults should have blood pressure checks at least once a year, especially if they have stressful occupations or a family history of hypertension.Talk to your doctor about your risk for high blood pressure.


Answered by Dr. Andrene Chung: Consultant Cardiologist/Chief Operating Officer


A person who is having a heart attack may exhibit these symptoms: pain (in chest, arms, shoulder, elbows, jaw, or back), shortness of breath, and nausea or vomiting.  Heart attacks and strokes CAN be avoided. 80% of them are preventable by: avoiding tobacco use, regular physical activity, maintaining a healthy diet, and regularly checking and managing blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids. If you are having chest pains or think you are having a heart attack, go to the closest Hospital or Clinic. The accident and emergency unit at Medical Associates Hospital is open 24 hours, 7 days per week and on Holidays. A PICJ expert will be able to ensure a proper diagnosis and speedy treatment of your symptoms.


Answered by Dr. Andrene Chung: Consultant Cardiologist/Chief Operating Officer

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